Session Times

Operating days

We are open from 08.00 to 18.00 Mondays to Fridays 49 weeks per year.

The nursery is closed on all Bank holidays, 5 working days during Christmas and for 2 weeks in August.

We offer a range of sessions: mornings 08.30 to 11.30; afternoons 12.30 to 15.30; school day 9.00 to 15.00 or 9.00 to 3.30; full day 08.00 to 18.00 and the option of choosing traditional school term time or extended year throughout the holidays.

Flexible hours

We offer a range of sessions during mornings, afternoons, school day and full day. There are options of choosing traditional school term time or an extended year throughout the school holidays.

We aim to be as flexible as possible and offer parents the hours and days they require subject to availability. Please speak to the Nursery Managers about your requirements.

Settling in

Acorn Nursery wants to ensure a happy, smooth and memorable transition into nursery for every child when they start with us. To ensure this we offer a bespoke settling in package tailored to each individual child and family. We strive to ensure that every child’s start at nursery is as calm and enjoyable as possible. Your child’s key person will work together in partnership with you so that your journey with Acorn is positive from the start.

At the first settling in session, we invite you to stay with your child so that they can familiarise themselves with their new environment and the key people who will care for them, whilst still having a familiar face nearby.

During your settling in sessions, we will ensure that we understand important information about your child, including their current routine, how your child likes to be comforted, if they have a special comforter, a favourite story or activity they enjoy.